Understanding - and talking about - the dreaded yips
Released on = May 1, 2007, 11:50 am
Press Release Author = GolfPublisher Syndications
Industry = Media
Press Release Summary = Understanding and talking about the dreaded yips. Golf columns at WorldGolf.com
Press Release Body = By Kristen \"Golf Chick\" Williams, Special Contributor, Golf Publisher Syndications
Although golfers don\'t have the market cornered on superstition, there are certain things in the game that simply aren\'t done in many circles. You don\'t talk about it when someone\'s having a great round, you don\'t jinx a birdie putt, and you never talk about or even acknowledge that \"the yips\" exist. This is your warning to stop reading now if the topic makes you uncomfortable
I have been a golfer for less than three years, but ever since the beginning, I have devoured all the information I can find that I think might improve my game. In that time, I\'ve heard mention of the yips a couple times from acquaintances or on TV and read exactly one article on the subject. I came to understand that what I originally thought was a nicer name for choking under pressure was probably a real and serious affliction. I also learned that the subject is practically taboo to discuss. Few people actually know that much about it or are willing to talk about it if they do. I recently learned that even people who have the yips might not really understand what\'s going on.
Just last week, a friend confessed to me that he has been suffering from the yips for about 20 years. My curiosity got the better of me and after a cautious approach I discovered he wasn\'t afraid to talk about it. Perhaps more surprising was that my superstitious self wasn\'t afraid to, either. I was simply too intrigued. We had never played golf together before, so I hadn\'t witnessed it. He agreed to play a round with me so we could remedy that and I could learn more.
On the practice green, I noticed an unusual stroke, but he was making smooth, confident putts that were finding the hole. When we got to the green on the first hole, everything changed. That unusual stroke I saw became more pronounced. Rather than moving the putter straight back and swinging like a pendulum, he pulled it almost directly towards his back heel and when he struck the ball it almost snapped back to being in line, but it was like a spasm. The stroke on his longer putts, while not pretty, was more effective, but the closer he got to the hole, the more dramatic the spasms became. It was bizarre. When he got to within 3 feet (what others might call \"gimmes\" and he calls the \"throw-up zone\"), he would often turn around and putt left handed because that\'s how he has learned to somewhat overcome the problem
For more details visit - : http://www.worldgolf.com/column/understanding-and-talking-about-the-yips-5278.htm
April 30, 2007 Any opinions expressed above are those of the writer and do not necessarily represent the views of the management.
Author/Company GolfPublisher Syndications Email - golfpublisherusa@gmail.com Website - http://www.worldgolf.com
Web Site = http://www.worldgolf.com
Contact Details = Email - golfpublisherusa@gmail.com
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